Personal view of cityscape

    The city is an eternal reference of landscape, second nature that raises above the ground, lying under the sky and merges, serene, with the profiled line, sometimes barely sketched, the horizon.

   A huge panorama cheating on the distance,  neatly ordered by traffic lines for electric lights tended by small intangibles points parading through the streets. But each stroke opens an artery on the map.

  The man there, submerged, guess always invisible, creator of that giant who seems asleep, lost in the mists of the morning, changing between sunset leftovers. The city vibrates with the lights of the day and turns his excesses at night, but from a distance remains quiet; is an artificial mountain where every light, every window, every stroke hides a secret.

   With this series of cityscapes the artist portrayed as diverse cities like Madrid or Los Angeles, each linked to his personal experience.

   They appear punctual drawed under different lights, concentrated at moments. Are the moments when these giants are revealed in their metamorphosis, in his strange happening, in their noise, beautiful, incessant movement.


Oihana Casas